Athletic Therapist's are experts in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal (muscles, bones, and joints) injuries. We treat both acute and chronic injuries, which includes anything from concussions, strains and sprains, neck and back pain, pre-op and post-op injuries, carpal tunnel and TMJ issues. Athletic Therapy isn’t just for recreational and competitive athletes! Think about the athletic positions you are putting your body in every day… If you are someone who is constantly in prolonged positions/postures, doing manual labor that requires you to lift or work overhead, or someone who has any pain and discomfort while doing daily activities, Athletic Therapy can benefit you! Whether your goal is to get back to competitive sports after an injury or just walk to the mailbox and back, as Athletic Therapists we can help. Our goal is to get you back to doing the activities you love without pain and discomfort. Our role on the field:When working with a sports team our role is to provide pre-game taping, first aid, rehabilitation of acute and chronic injuries, implementation of concussion protocols, and make return to play decisions. We are certified First Responders and are the first ones on the field should an injury or emergency situation occur.
For more information on Athletic Therapy:
Kylie Munro
I graduated Sheridan College in 2021 with an Honours Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences degree in Athletic Therapy and shortly after, passed my national certification exam to become a Certified Athletic Therapist. Through continuing education courses, I have been able to expand my practice by utilizing my knowledge of cupping and IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) techniques for rehabilitation. I have worked with many patients from the general population in a clinical setting as well as Varsity athletes in University clinics. I am passionate about working with athletes and being on the sideline with teams at various sporting events. I have had the chance to work with a variety of sports teams including Men's University soccer, midget AA girl’s hockey, and field hockey.
I grew up in Parry Sound and in my free time you can find me hiking, camping, swimming, and playing soccer.
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